Brides spend months in planning their wedding, but at times forget to take care of themselves in the hectic process. If your wedding is round the corner and you are still busy deciding the wedding intrecacies, here’s some help! We bring to you, 7 amazing tips for that enviable glow on your D-day.
1. Cleansing/toning/moisturising
Begin your pre-bridal with a nice cleansing, toning and moisturising routine. A clean face will form the perfect foundation for a glowing personality. Toning will help in tightening the pores. Moisturising will ensure the skin remains soft and supple.

2. Exfoliation
One of the most ignored beauty regimes and perhaps one of the most important ones – exfoliation is mandatory if you want to get rid of the dead skin. Exfoliate your face and body at least twice a week. You can opt for homemade scrubs comprising rice flour, gram flour, papaya, tomato and other cleansing agents.
3. Spa
If you haven’t visited a spa in ages, it’s time now! Not only will it relax your body but also calm your mind, which will eventually reflect on your face on the biggest day of your life.
Though they are similar to the modern day scrubs, the ancient ubtans are known for their skin beautifying properties and it’s actually time to cajole your granny to prepare one for you.

Though we don’t quite advocate diets, there’s no harm in detoxing the body once in a while. Drink 8 glasses of water, indulge in fruits and vegetables.
Stress is the worst thing that can happen to a would-be-bride and it’s best to meditate to relax before the wedding madness takes over. If you follow a mantra, chant it in quiet for 15 minutes or simply sit with your eyes shut and relax.

Don’t compromise on your sleep if you don’t want to get those ugly dark circles. Eight to ten hours of beauty sleep is important when you are nearing the D-day.
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